This is a worksheet (front and back) I created to help two students I am tutoring in reading. I searched online for questions, skills, strategies, and tips for them to use. When my search turned up dry I decided to create something of my own. The questions are all open ended hopefully provoking higher order thinking. The skills and strategies to use were things I thought of while observing them reading. I left spaces at the end for discussion and anything they could think of to add. I am also giving them reading logs and asking them to note in one section one question or skill they used while they read. I am hoping that this encourages future use of these skills and higher order thinking strategies.
* Questions to Think About
as You Read *
Before you read:
What is the title?
What does the title tell me about the book?
What type of book is it?
What do the pictures tell me about the book?
Who are the main characters of the book?
What do I already know about the book?
What happened last time I read?
What do I want to learn?
What do I think will happen?
While you read:
What just happened?
Do I understand what is happening?
What am I feeling right now?
What are the characters feeling right now?
What is the problem in the story?
Make connections: What does the story make me think
What is going to happen next?
After you read:
Were there any words I did not know?
Was there anything that was not clear?
What did I find out about the characters?
What happened?
What pictures did the story bring up in my mind?
What is going to happen next?
* Skills/Strategies to Use *
- Always ask questions!
- Use your finger as a pointer while you read
- Use paper to guide you line by line
- Underline unknown words (but keep going)
- Don’t rush / read carefully
- Re-read
- Make sure you understand the “big picture” before you move on (it is okay if you do not know a few words, but if you do not know what is happening in the story try asking questions and/or re-reading)
- Talk about what you are reading with a friend, family member, or teacher!
- Use cues and clues (pictures, familiar words, background knowledge, etc…)
- __________________________________________
- __________________________________________
- __________________________________________
- __________________________________________